Chris Christie is a former U.S. attorney who investigated and prosecuted people for FAR less than this.
Hippocrite, and FAR worse.
Gov. Chris Christie's double standard on political moneyPublished: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 6:05 AM
Star-Ledger Editorial Board By Star-Ledger Editorial Board
"The shady political fund run by Gov. Chris Christie’s team has finally identified its donors.
As predicted, they released this damning information during a holiday week in hopes that fewer people would notice. And they withheld details showing how these special-interest donors depend on the Christie administration for favors.
The organization calls itself Reform Jersey Now, a grand irony when you consider that its main purpose is to end-run campaign finance laws that Christie supposedly supports.
It is run by the governor’s closest political allies, including his political confidante, Bill Palatucci, and his chief political strategist, Michael DuHaime. Yet the governor, the keynote speaker at the group’s fundraisers, denies responsibility for this group’s behavior.
So it’s official now — Christie’s transition from prosecutor to politician is complete. Because only a practiced politician would have the chutzpah to make such an implausible claim."Read the full Star-Ledger editorial at this link: