Someone in a position to be heard is finally saying it: The truth is to Chris Christie what garlic and crucifixes are to vampires.
N.J. Democrats accuse Gov. Christie of hurting N.J. poor, middle-class while promoting jobs billPublished: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 7:04 AM Updated: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 8:09 AM
By Matt Friedman/Statehouse Bureau
"It was both a call for bipartisanship and a full frontal assault on Gov. Chris Christie.
Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono and Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Cryan called on Republican lawmakers Monday to support a package of bills intended to spur the state’s economy and create jobs, and for Christie to sign them. But they also accused the governor of hurting the state’s poor and middle-class while favoring the rich.
"Through 2010 what he should have been doing is strengthening the social safety net," said Buono (D-Middlesex). "We can help by creating jobs and stimulating the economy by helping everyone make ends meet ... No amount of (Christie’s) signature nasty and dismissive attacks, delivered with a sneer and dripping with sarcasm, will help our friends, our family and our neighbors."
Buono and Cryan also took shots at the governor because Reform Jersey Now, an organization formed to promote his agenda and tied to his closest advisers, took donations from organizations with hundreds of millions of dollars in state contracts. At a press conference Friday, Christie said the group had done more to promote transparency than Democrats had by voluntarily disclosing its donors. "He’s delusional. Or just very confused. Or lying has become, oh I don’t know ... Maybe his lying has become pathological," said Buono."Read the rest of the article at this link: