With every passing day we are seeing more ALEC bills being entered into New Jersey legislature. It becomes more apparent during the lame duck session after the November elections, Sweeney and Oliver will bring these bills to the floor for a vote.
Here are a few bills that will cause further deterioration to the rights of NJ residents and inflict further financial burdens:
A2810 / S1872 : "Opportunity Scholarship Act"; establishes Back Door School Vouchers.
http://www.saveourschoolsnj.org/vouchers/ A3766 / S2664: “Market Competition and Choice Act”, sponsored by Senate President Steve Sweeney. This anti-consumer bill will wipe out important consumer protections against discrimination in rates, ensure billing errors are corrected, guarantee credits for outages, provide adequate service quality and ensure that everyone who wants a basic, no frills phone line can afford to have one.
http://njcitizenaction.org/news/telco033.html A4223:"New Jersey Right to Work Act"; prohibits payroll deduction of union dues from wages or salaries of public employees.
http://www.njaflcio.org/pages/news/418To stop these bills from seeing the light of day during the lame duck session we must remove Sweeney and Oliver from their leadership positions. Please Sign Petition: