Tuesday night, we the few, the proud, the trench workers(I was the webmaster for the Warren County Dems, I really never hit the real trenches, like so many of these fine folks...I just excited electrons.) had a pizza party with Anne Wolfe, Dem candidate for the 5th Congressional District and her husband John.
God, what a great bunch of folks. To just be associated with them is one of the proudest moments of my life.
Annie ain't goin' nowhere and neither should we. She said that we ALL should stay in our combat gear and keep working with our local Dem organizations. There is the 2005 election cycle and right after that, the 2006 cycle. This keep us trained up and tough. While we won't win them all, each election makes us tougher and smarter.
We gotta stay in the game.
One thing: While she did not win, Annie did incredible and that gives us quite the base to build upon. She has committed to nothing but staying in the game, but she is still with us.
So work locally, bring in good candidates, remember "57 cents on the dollar is the repukes fault" is gonna be a huge issue and get ready to rumble again.
We got work to do, if we mean it and want it.