Once again I'm forced to applaud a Scott Garrett vote. Not as gutsy as his vote against the prescription drug bill but I have to admit he seems to stand on principle.
The mostly feckless Democrats rolled over once again as they piled on to the Omnibus spending bill approved yesterday by both the Senate and the House.
Among the provisions are abortion restrictions and an increase of 20,000 to the H1-B visa limit (I guess there's not enough competition for tech jobs yet). Of course there are billions in pork, special tax breaks and who knows what else buried in the bill.
Garrett was the only NJ House member to vote against the bill though I'm sure his reasoning is a bit different than mine. At least Corzine, Lautenberg, Kerry and Edwards voted against the bill. Not Clinton or Daschle or Murray or Mikulski or Harkin or any of our NJ Democratic representatives.
Garrett joined with Kucinich, Majette, and Conyers as part of the slim opposition in the House.