DCCC Money Now in NM-CD2 for Richardson’s Guy HarryTeague…Where Were They When the Progressive Ran Last Time?? (The One Who Got 40% of the Vote, Then Was Shoved out of the Dem Primary the Race in 2008?)
http://tinyurl.com/46nwayHere's my beef with the DCCC and Richardson’s guy Teague…we real progressives had to “get over it” when they pushed out the progressive in the primary…
See what’s going on here with Richardson/Teague in NM..suddenly, the DCCC sends money…after bouncing out the progressive who ran last time amazingly well…
“DCCC Money Now in NM-CD2 for Richardson’s Guy HarryTeague…Where Were They When the Progressive Ran Last Time?? (The One Who Got 40% of the Vote, Then Was Shoved out of the Dem Primary the Race in 2008?)”