I watch the local news out of habit ( how else would I know all about the murders, meth labs and car crashes that keep me being a well informed citizen). And I like to know the weather forecasts; Ronchetti seems like a pretty likeable guy, as do most of the local TV media people. I've known a few of them over the years and they all had a reasonably good brain in their heads. ( although some you could just tell were airheads). I think its a matter of selling out, as well as a lack of curiosity about analyzing anything too deeply. I didn't hear Hartmann's Downing street memo anecdote, but I bet most of the "journalists " there had never even heard of it, as opposed to intentionally ignoring it . Not from being stupid people ,but just never bothering to know stuff like that. I've on occasion left phone comments at channels 4, 7 and 13, and its always to the effect of, I understand you do what you're told to do, but I just always wonder, are you at least embarrassed about it? National news is the same BS; watch Charlie Gibson or Matt Lauer etc and you see what shockingly shallow corporate whores they are. One of the friends I alluded to is now apparently working for national Fox radio news now. She's hip and somewhat progressive, and when a mutual friend called her on it, she shrugged her shoulders and said that the other "more respectable" networks were not that different from Fox so what's the difference...This state of the mainstream press makes me more pessimistic than anything else about our chances of ever truly having the significant level of change that is America's only hope, as opposed to just tinkering around the edges. BTW, welcome to DU, Constance