destruction of Kerry-Edwards yard signs late Friday night and early Saturday morning incited the ire of Democratic Party Chair Abram Jacobson. "I started getting calls from homeowners who found their signs torn down overnight," Jacobson said. "We've had extensive damage and destruction. This vandalism has occurred all over the county during the last four weeks - we've lost 40 signs - but Friday night's outbreak is a much more vectored and planned thing."
On Monday, League of Women Voters board member Rebecca Shankland accompanied Jacobson in an observer capacity on a tour of White Rock homes whose political signs were destroyed. "Political dialog is the essence of democracy - without it we are lost," Shankland said as she looked over torn signs and listened to upset victims. "I am here because the league is taking this very seriously. We would be just as upset if this had happened on the other side."
Chairperson JoAnn Johnson of the Republican Party of Los Alamos was very upset to hear the news of the vandalism committed against the Democratic Party's political signs. "I absolutely denounce this behavior," Johnson said in an interview from New York. "If I find out who is responsible, I will let them know this is not the Republican way."