U.S. Representative Tom Udall, D-N.M., reacted to USA Today's news article,
NSA Has Massive Database of Americans' Phone Calls, by calling the program "a significant violation of privacy for all Americans" and demanding Congressional oversight to determine its legality.
"The revelation that information on millions of phone calls being made by average Americans - not all of whom could have suspected ties to terrorism -- are being compiled in 'the largest database ever assembled in the world' is astounding. I find it highly disturbing that our domestic phone call records to parents, coworkers, doctors, and even our children have been turned over by our major telephone companies and secretly stored. What's worse is that once again, this Administration has not been straight or forthcoming with the American people," Udall said .
This latest news comes one day after Udall and 71 other Representatives filed papers that request an end the President's warrantless eavesdropping program. Their Amicus Brief has been filed in two federal courts reviewing challenges to the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping program:
ACLU v. National Security Agency and
CCR v. Bush. Both are cases that challenge the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping on American soil.
Udall concluded, "I recognize that it is essential for the President to have the best possible intelligence to protect our nation and he must be able to conduct secret programs to gather it. However, these programs must fall within the legal boundaries of our nation's laws. Despite what this Administration would have us believe, securing our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic can be achieved without violations of our Constitutional freedoms."