Those who want to fight for paper ballots for NY should contact the following legislators. This is crucial right now as the final bill will be passed in the next few weeks. There are a few gray areas, but in general what we have so far is pretty good. Don't let the e-voting lobbyists screw it up! In fact, tell these legislators to PROHIBIT DREs (direct recording electronic machines) except for use by disabled voters (that's ONE machine per polling place, NOT PER election district!) and the DREs MUST have voter-verified paper.
Assembly Keith Wright , Chair, Assembly Election Law Committee Room 749 LOB Albany, NY 12248 518-455-4793 FAX: 518-455-3890
RoAnn Destito Room 621 LOB Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5454 FAX: 518-455-5928
Kevin Cahill Room 557 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12248 518-455-4436 FAX: 518-455-5576
Helene Weinstein Room 831 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5462 FAX: 518-455-5752
Fred W. Thiele Jr. Room 550 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5997
Senate John J. Flanagan, Chair, Senate Elections Committee Room 817 LOB Albany, NY 12247 518-455-2071 518-426-6904 FAX
Nicholas Spano Room 509 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12247 518-455-2231 FAX: 518-426-6906
Serphin Maltese Room 413 Capitol Albany, NY 12247 518-455-3281 FAX: 518-426-6951
Martin Dilan 606 Legislative Office Building Albany, New York 12247 518-455-2177
George Maziarz 915 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12247 Phone: (518) 455-2024 Fax: (518) 426-6987