Residents of Greenburgh, Democrats of Greenburgh this is the symbol for anarchy. This is your Democratic Commitee. That is what they represent, that is what they stand for. The party of Sheehan, Bass and Greenawalt to name a few. Won't you help me cure the sickness? Help me make this committee well once again, help me purge it?
Democrats of Greenburgh it is up to you to wrestle it away from those who now control it. I am begging you to take back your party. There are many on the committee who are suffering from the leadership of the evildoers in the minority. Won't you help them? There are people that hate one man so much, yet you have voted him in so many times for the work he has done for you.
They are hurting the Democratic National Committee. They give all of us Democrats a bad name. The politics of personal destruction has reared it's ugly head. The beast must be defeated. Like the one that is said to come at the end of days, it must be chained down. Call the chair of this committee and tell her you want to be involved in your party. Start going to meetings, get involved, help change the party and take it away from some of the people who now control it at the executive commitee and district leader level.
When I first wanted to get involved I did not realize it was the way it is now. People have told me that I should not have resigned from the executive commitee, but I did. I could not be a part of it. I need the Democrats in the town to come back with me to take it back.
The funny thing is I was helped onto the commitee by Bill Greenawalt. I am sorry I did not realize what I was getting into. When I first started doing things with the grassroots Dean movement back in the presidential primaries, people told me you should try and become a district leader.
I did not even know what that was at first. It sounded exciting though. I wanted to get involved in politics because I truly love politics and government. The Dean campaign actually got me back into politics again. I had grown apart from it for a few years until October of 2003 when I walked in on a meetup. Through the Dean for America campaign, I really believed that change could happen and it still can.
Residents of Greenburgh who are registered Democrats like I am, if you ever want your party to mean something again, do something about it.