Bloomberg's view on Iraq is not "relevant enough to matter to most voters."
You added, my guess is as a point of comparison, that people "care about the things the mayor will have jurisdiction over." ( Yes, you did allow that it ...Iraq... could "be used a little".)
My point is that it ( foreign policy advocacy) appears to have been sufficiently relevant to the voters to have helped Koch,and Lindsay ( I should have included Guiliani). I'm not sure that "proof" is a reasonable yardstick here; few things can be "proven" historically, and certainly this cannot be. I'm not aiming to prove that which can't be proven, I'm aiming to supply "evidence" in the hope of persuading people to recognize the obvious.
Your paragraph 1.: Perhaps I was unclear (?): I'm saying that Bloom erg's outspoken position supporting the war in Iraq AFTER he became mayor is a position for which his democratic opponents should hold him accountable. In his first run there was no debate... that I can recall... on the wisdom of starting a war with Iraq. It was not on the horizon... except in the deep recesses of the minds of Washington policymakers.
Your paragraph 2 is a puzzle as the example you cite appears to support my argument and detract from yours.
The rest of your post seems dedicated to the idea that the DEM candidates should continue to stress "bread and butter" issues and avoid the question of B's foolish advocacy of the Iraq catastrophe and leaving out, for good measure, his supervision of civil rights violations that occurred in connection with the Iraq catastrophe (which have been numerous, flagrant and LARGE-SCALE) should be barely mentioned and essentially back-burnered.
This is what they are doing and will , in all probability, continue to do: Drone on about their various "bases", garnering endorsements, issuing "position papers". ( Yesterday, poor Virginia Fields issued her " economic development plan".It was all people were talking about on the train this morning.)
Sorry, this is just more of the same NYC conventional DEM wisdom and is setting up for another GOP blowout in NOV. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over no matter how many times it fails to work.
This will be the fourth GOP victory in a row in a city with a 5 to 1 dem registration edge. There is something PROFOUNDLY wrong here. DEM conventional wisdom in NYC needs a huge overhaul in short order or the primary winner is headed for a one-way ticket to permanent political "palookahville".
Or should I say to "Ruth Messingerville".