I was at the cash line paying for my groceries. It was taking me a bit of time to pack my things up because I had some insulated bags I wanted to put my food in to keep it cool for the trip back across town. It was a slow time, with no lines and the woman behind me could have switched to any other register but she decided she'd rather bitch at me instead. She was being so nasty that I told her I would be happy to stand there twice as long if she kept it up. As I turned back to my bags, I heard her mumble something about Jews. I looked at her and said, "Would you like to say that louder so we can all dance to it?" She said, "You heard me; dance to it yourself." So I turned back to the cashier (Hispanic, BTW) and slowed down some more, looking for change and joking with her. While we were having a laugh at the woman's expense, I heard her say, "We should have built more ovens." I turned to her and said I live in the old Nazi neighborhood across town; perhaps she'd like to take a trip there. At that point I was finished and left. She looked to be in her seventies, so she would have been a child during the war, imbibing hate at the family dinner table. How she can stand to shop at Zabar's, which is a Jewish owned store in its third generation, I don't know. I also don't know if she could tell I was Jewish :shrug: or if she just assumed that anyone who annoyed her must be a Jew. How can she even stand to live on the Upper West Side? Bizarre.