As expected, the local corporate media have unleashed a wild barrage of negative publicity against DEM mayporal candidate Fernando Ferrer.
Rupert Murdoch's (FOX) vile New York Post led the charge by putting Ferrer on yesterday's cover with a dunce cap superimposed on his photograph. The banner headline referred to him as a "DUNCE" and a "FOOL".
The equally despicable New York Daily News followed suit: banner front page headline calling Ferrer a "CLASS CLOWN".
What was Ferrer's crime?
His website erroneously specified that he graduated from public schools , when he actually graduated from Catholic parochial schools.( In New York, Catholic schools are a relatively low-cost alternative to the public school system and are often favored by middle and working class families for their orderly atmosphere and/or religious education.)
An obvious error in transmission. Even more obvious that it was commited by a campaign staffer or volunteer and not by Ferrer himself.
What's the big deal? There IS no big deal. But the Noise Machine propagandist are shifting into hight gear in their effort to get George Bush's favorite mayor and LARGEST CONTRIBUTOR, MIchael Bloomberg, reelected. Hence , the breathless tone of the coverage of this non-story.
Ferrer's task is daunting. Not only does Bloomberg have the media hacks and fanatical RW ideologues in his corner but he's got 5 billion dollars of his own to buy ulimited media time. Right now, his inane 15 second spots are running about every five minutes on the commercial stations here... unanswered, by and large, by the strapped-for-cash Ferrer campaign.
Anyone wishing to see the RW scheme machine derailed here might consider sending a few bucks to even the playing field... or at least to give Ferrer a "chance at a chance".