than last time but it is inexplicable to me how the top Democrats roll up huge wins and local GOPers turn out in droves to elect a local ham sandwich, picked up out of the mud and molding rapidly. But that kind of inertia, similar to trying to a roll a fat man uphill, works that way the lower down the ticket one gets. The GOP really turned out. The slime fest and robocalls were calculated to anger dem voters one way and feed the anger of GOP fans the other, both by margins to the benefit of KUhl with no real time to at least neutralize them.
The post Foley poll was a bounce poll for sure and we got nothing after that. I should have known that Truthisall was overstretched in appreciating the sickening rebound toward the GOP slimers, even were there fraud involved- which I have no idea. Well, it took ungodly long to rid ourselves of D'Amato and Pataki got away into the sunset unscathed except in his ludicrous presidential ambitions. The ham sandwiches who ran rotten campaigns and will remain rotten for two more years will not improve. The disheartening thing for local races is that they are intimate and expensive even if the negativity factor of the gerrymandered squatters grows and grows. I expect with another great effort the presidential election could sweep the last remnants of GOP trash(unworthy of most of their simple voters) into the dustbin. the one in frustration wonders what will they have then that was not obvious now, but that could be said about ALL the Dem chances up to this year.
A better media will speed the process of deceit inertia and GOP good fellowship. Most of the people I worked with were ex-Republicans, the split becoming a personal values divide so that the GOP is left increasingly with the ignorant and the spiteful or some pure intentioned zealots clinging to one banner cause and otherwise convinced that their team is the one with the white hats and all "liberal Dems" are Satanic. Nor is Dem turnout or GOTV good enough to reliably overcome the media disadvantage and the spurious campaign slime and the simple toss of money.
So I would not give up on this district quite yet. The beast is wounded and isolated, the GOP Rep supporters left with a hangover of powerless goons not worthy of anyone's support- and the party rolls bleed away in a steady trickle. And how could they gerrymander any more GOP advantage in these "safe" districts- now? Under Dean the relentless effort will be there, the targets fewer and refined, the results of the Dems matched against the floundering incompetence and monied elitism of Upstate survivalists.
I hope the absentee ballots change things, but we have seen hotly contested and fairly adjudicated races fall short in this area before. the ham sandwich always wins. It takes a great effort not to until the GOP itself withers away as it naturally must, bereft of all its old and present rationales and ideology and successes. But that must be accompanied by Dems not being discouraged, producing and standing up for real progress. If the folks in Indiana can wake up, eventually Upstate "Utah" can too.