Cross posted from kos,
where Eric Massa is live blogging NY-29: 48 Hours to Save America: All Hands on Deck Today (Sunday) I will be touring the district with General Wesley Clark and
tomorrow (Monday) with President Bill Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Senator Max Cleland.
While it may be hard to fathom, we are now 48 hours away from our last best chance to save this Nation that we call the United States of America.
48 hours to save it from the leadership of one political party that would spend our children and grandchildren into economic ruin.
48 hours to save our Nation from power hungry leaders who would do anything to stay in power.
48 hours to save our Nation from officials who would federalize each and every classroom and wipe out two centuries of local control of schools all because they see public education as a failed proposition. Instead of solving the problem they only make it worse.
48 hours to save our fellow Americans from a Government that would give Billions in tax rebates to the large oil companies while those same companies are reaping the largest profits in the history of the United States, and all in the name of short term quarterly stock reports instead of long term national wealth.
48 hours to save our Nation from a government that would sell out the very people that they are charged with protecting by exporting our manufacturing base overseas with no care about the consequences. And, finally, we have
48 hours to save our Nation from a government that would involve us in an endless war of occupation and attrition and then throw a continuous stream of Madison Avenue slogans at us to try and divert attention from their failures.
We are at a crossroads and only our phone calls, door to door Get-Out-the-Vote election district walking, and last minute financing will make the difference. We are at a crossroads and only we can direct which direction we will go. Here in the 29th Congressional District we have the luxury of old fashioned lever machines and we will be watching like a hawk at the polls. And here on the ground we are working around the clock to get out the Army of folks whom we will need to motivate and mobilize the voters. But across this Country we will all have a choice to make: Stay the Course or Change the Course. And only we can select which it will be.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to stand and demand the impeachment of the Secretary of Defense because calling for his resignation has not been enough. The President has announced and his Vice President has affirmed that despite what the American people want they will not change their failed policies in Iraq . We must act with strength, vigor and purpose.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to reverse five years of a failed energy policy that panders to a few top oil companies instead of moving forward with bold strokes to realize the dream of true energy independence. The President has failed to fund the very initiatives that he described as his Administration's contribution to that goal. And his Vice President has affirmed two things: One, that the American people have no right to know what secret negotiations created his failed energy policy; And two, that anything other than increased drilling for oil and remaining dependent on fossil fuels is a failure. And he says this despite what the entire scientific community says.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to reverse five years of failed education policies that have left every child behind and ignored the objections of every Teacher’s organization in America. We need leaders who believe in a strong public school system and support of college education, leaders that fulfill the promises of moving the next generation into the 21st century.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to reverse five years of underfunding the Veterans of America. We need leaders who don't just stand with them for photo opportunities and then leave them to stand alone after the cameras leave the room and the lights are turned off.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to reverse five years of failed economic policies that value the boardroom over the breakroom. Millions of Americans now work at sub-minimum wage jobs because this Administration and this Congress refused to increase the minimum wage, all the while increasing their own pay.
We need new leadership that has the fearless backbone to reverse twenty years of failed health policies that have placed money-hungry HMOs between patients and doctors, destroying both in the same swipe of the hand. We need access to quality health care for all Americans. Period. End of discussion.
The list goes on and on but it only shows that we truly are at a crossroads. From the depths of arrogance and pride that this Administration and this Congress show on a daily basis comes a deluge of destructive influences. Winning and keeping power and furthering the interests of the rich and big corporations is more important than leading the nation and doing what is right. That is why we have all the lies in the massive negative advertising assault that we have seen here in the 29th and that is being repeated all over the Nation. Unfortunately, negative advertising often works. Rove knows it as does the Vice President. We and others have gone into significant debt to place counter ads up on the air to help create a brief and shining moment of truth on TV.
We need your reinforcement across the nation. We need your calls to friends and family in this District and all others. We need your funding. We need you walking your neighborhoods and communities. And above all we need your vote.
My name is Eric Massa and I approve this message because this Nation is worth fighting for.