John Sweeney is the classic poor boy made good. But......he is was the bully in the neighborhood. Remember him in Florida carrying water for Bush in the stolen election. What happened later was payback. Politics and those who play in this arena prevaricate naturally. So depressing. State police officer Pace is the victim of Sweeney's last days in office (loser R. Congressman from upstate district)and our governor's last days in office. Sweeney's son assaulted another young man leaving him with life long injury. If that were your son, he would be behind bars. Backdoor deal here. Sweeny blatantly lied about his wife and physical abuse. For those in other parts of the state, when you hire Stewart Jones, atty., of Troy, NY on the way home from an accusation, you are guilty. Otherwise you would not need this famed defense attorney. Of the huge selection of those we would be well rid of, Sweeney is up at the top of the list. And, the R. controlled Congress (until Jan 07) giving him a present to give the electorate, our money, days before the election, is one reason whole bunches of Americans do not vote. Watch to see how many trips the Congressman takes before he leaves office, how many perks he accumulates and what prize the outgoing governor can find for him on some highly paid and useless commission.