I came across this in a Queens, NYC oriented blog. The writer says he watched Tony Bourdain's "bizarre foods" tv episode. Bourdain was exploring Brooklyn and Queens with a local foodie.
In it, Bourdain, who has been living in New York for 32 years claims that he has in all those years, never been to Brooklyn or Queens. As the blogger asks, come on, Tony -- not even when you went to the airport?:
http://www.queenscentral.com/Cool people who don’t get out much
Posted by Steve on August 9th, 2007
First in a (not really) recurring series: Anthony Bourdain, the sometimes-entertaining, sometimes-irritating chef-turned-TV-personality who you suspect is right about many things, but not quite so many as he thinks he is. In a two-hour special currently airing on Travel Channel, fellow TC foodie (and native New Yorker) Andrew Zimmern takes his adventure-seeking soulmate to restaurants serving his beloved “bizarre foods” in Brooklyn and Queens. Bourdain, quite casually, remarks that he has never been to Brooklyn. Later, he says he’s never been to Queens, either. Not even to the airport?
According to Wikipedia, which is never wrong, Bourdain is 51. He moved to New York City at 19, thus giving him 32 years to actually leave Manhattan. Sometimes I have trouble leaving the neighborhood for the weekend. But for 32 years? C’mon, Tony, cooks aren’t that busy. I know I’ve seen your pal Batali tromping about in his silly clogs. Before I saw the special, I would have described Bourdain as more obnoxious than me, but also much cooler. Now? OK, still much cooler. But less cool than I thought!
<end quote, cross posted from the Lounge>