I came upon this article,
http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5i7KnV8_sIAZQ7B019c_KUG0daUzAD8SDFTB80"Ladybugs Help New York As Pest Killers" Sunday, October 21, 2007 3:29 AM EDT
The Associated Press By VERENA DOBNIK, regarding the release of ladybugs to take care of mites and other pests. They are doing this in place of using pesticides, which sounds like a good thing, however, I live in Virginia, and they did the same thing where I live . . . about 6 years ago.
Vinje said 720,000 ladybugs are about the right number to clean up the New York complex.
Each insect can take care of a piece of land measuring about 19-by-19-inches. A ladybug can eat up to 50 pests a day, plus insect eggs. The huge colony will consume billions of pests before moving on.
Moving On are the key words here. Ever since they unleashed the ladybugs that were suppose to move on or die within 5 months, starting about the end of spring and when the summer weather is warming up, here come the ladybugs. They are still everywhere. You cannot keep them out of your house or your car. Your ceilings will be covered with them. The walls at times. You cannot take a walk in the woods without being bombarded by the ladybugs. They fly in swarms and fly smack into you.
So in closing, the ladybugs may have killed the mites and other pests, but now they have become the pests, REAL pests.
So when I read this paragraph in the article . . .
Apartment residents need not worry about confronting swarms of ladybugs, since this is not the Asian ladybug typically spotted in urban areas. "This one is not prone to entering homes," Vinje said.
Plus, if one buys into a common superstition, the 720,000 ladybugs should bring a torrent of good luck
. . .
I had to laugh because we were told the same thing and now we live in ladybug HELL.