This statement, although quite detailed and often somewhat technical, is well worth reading. If you can get to Albany tomorrow to help out, please do so.
From Andi Novick:
To those of you who care about the people's right to honest elections I am sharing my initial response to the latest effort of the DOJ to force NY to vote on theft-enabling machines. Tomorrow at noon is the regularly scheduled State Board of Elections meeting-- anyone who can get to Albany tomorrow for this should be there because the pressure on the SBOE to cave into the federal government's demand that NY buy any non-certified, failed, non-functional, corrupt, piece of junk voting machines in time for the 2008 election was just turned up to high (see below).
Attached is the Memo of Law I just received this morning that was submitted by the DOJ in response to NY's not yet having complied with the feds' plan to steal elections on a national basis. I have read the memo very quickly and wanted to put this out now- while I'm thinking about it, so others might share in the deliberations of what is to be done. I welcome all comments and ideas and contributions. I should say up front that I have done something I don't usually do. I have included among the recipients of this email people representing a broader range of the spectrum so to the extent I have stated the obvious for some, that's why. And to the extent I have pissed off some people because we're not all on the same page here, that's why.
I am fed up with pretending that the DOJ isn't the political tool that it is seeking to impose any number of the 14 characteristics of fascism, in this case the 14th on the list- see . I am not willing to act as if the DOJ should be given legitimacy when we all see the evidence - the attorney general firings, voter ID laws, replacement of anyone in the department who would actually protect the rights of voters and of course Mr. Tanner's recent admissions, if anyone needed more proof. Notwithstanding our differences I have not included any recipient on this email who doesn't believe we should have honest elections. Therefore the DOJ- which is insisting in this Memo of Law that NY purchase the very machines which have been shown to be hackable in minutes and which cannot and will not produce accurate, reliable election results and ensure that we'll never know what the results are because all the counting will be done in secret-- is the enemy of us all and perhaps we can find some common ground.
In essence what the DOJ memo says can be summarized as follows- the part in parentheses being my reading between the lines and the rest is really what the DOJ says:
SNIP...According to the DOJ, NY has to buy any old non-certified machines or any of the machines recently decertified by the state of California because they were found to be unable to provide a means of conducting a reliable, secure election --so we can probably get a really good deal if we call someone in California or maybe Florida where they are literally looking to sell their failed machines as junked parts! Why should NY be in a better position than the rest of the states: