Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY)Tests for vapors contaminated with the toxic solvent trichloroethene will be taken on the property of Wade's Market Center this spring.
State Health Department officials, Caffoe said, will decide whether to seek air samples after reviewing the vapor samples taken from metal tubes placed into the ground on the Wade's property.
Groundwater contaminated with TCE was identified on Wade's property about 15 years ago and originated from the Griffin Technology plant on the north side of Route 96, across the street from Wade's. Diebold Inc., Griffin's parent company, is responsible for the tests because of a consent order with DEC.
TCE, once widely used for metal degreasing and other purposes, can harm the central nervous, immune and reproductive systems, impair fetal development and cause cancer in people exposed to sufficient quantities.
Vapor intrusion is a phenomenon in which chemical vapors can rise from underground contamination and accumulate in buildings.
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