Found this letter online at: pretty much blows away the myth that has been circulated about NY's lever machines nearing the end of their lives.
I realize this is a letter from a
vendor, but someone had to build these machines! Besides, many NY counties perform their own maintenance, which would be impossible for them to do with optical scanners or DREs (computers), as would reliably testing new machines based on software.
But in case they need help, or parts for their AVM levers, here's the truth about what they can expect from the company who bought the company that made them:
Voting Machine Service Center, Inc
PO Box 261
Gerry, NY 14740
January 23, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
Voting Machine Service Center, Inc (VMSC) has been in business for over 32 years. During those 32 years, it has serviced the Automatic Lever Voting Machine (AVM) along with supplying all the parts and technical support necessary for the AVM. At no time during those years, was it unable to fulfill any order requests from our customers in New York State or any other states that use the AVM.
In addition, VMSC purchased the mechanical automatic voting machine division from Sequoia Pacific in February 2001, thus making Voting Machine Service Center, Inc. the sole authorized mechanical automatic voting machine company.
VMSC also manufactures parts and supplies or subcontracts this to different suppliers and vendors according to AVM original prints and specifications. Shoup paper rolls are another supply that VMSC provides. VMSC has not authorized any other election company to sell, produce, or distribute its product. This includes but is not limited to Printer packs and paper rolls for the AVM.
Due to lack of sufficient orders over the past two years, VMSC regrets that it will not be able to fully service its customers as it has in the past. However, going forward in 2009 and beyond, VMSC will be able to sell to you items that are currently in stock on a first come first served basis. Other parts and supplies may be specially ordered, given a sufficient deposit, lead time and final payment prior to shipping. Minimum orders may also be required.
Given the above conditions, VMSC can say with confidence that the AVM lever machines in the State of New York could be maintained indefinitely.
Heidi L. Marshall
Cc; file
So send a copy of the above letter to your county election commissioners and tell them to stop spreading rumors exaggerating the death of New York's tried and true lever voting machines! Here's how to contact them: