If you are a member of a political club, union, county committee, etc., you can make this happen too!
See this video and blog of the event by the Election Transparency Coalition:
"NYC Never Sleeps! Village Independent Dems Opt Out of Op Scan"http://re-mediaetc.blogspot.com/2009/09/vid.htmlIt's not too late to stop concealed vote counting without election verification in New York and to hold our public officials accountable for permitting it.
See the progress that has been made so far at:
http://nylevers.wordpress.comThis is the last non-computerized statewide voting system in America folks! It's now or never. Don't think hand counts are going to get us out of this mess, because they're NOT going to happen!
Computers will count our paper ballots and computers will determine the results.Watch the video; read the blogs. Take action! :)