Hear me out please. City Council member Charles Barron is highly critical both of NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Mayor's nomination for NYC Chancellor of Schools, Cathie Black. If Barron can organize enough community resistance to the nomination, it's possible a waiver for Black's lack of education credentials won't be issued. Bloomberg is not used to being denied what he wants and he wants Black in that position.
Like his predecessor, Rudolph Giuliani, Bloomberg's eyes on the next job opportunity and that is the White House. And he does not want to look "weak" or less than "presidential", i.e., an effective administrator. If the community becomes emboldened because of Charles Barron and his organizing, Bloomberg could decide after all not to run as an Independent for the White House in 2012.
And . . . here it comes . . . Charles Barron could prevent a possible win by plurality and spare this country the prospect of . . . President Palin. All by keeping Cathie Black from running the City's schools.
Barron Denounces Mayor, Choice of Black as Chancellor
City Council member Charles Barron spoke out against the selection of Cathie Black as the city's new public schools chancellor at a City Hall press conference this morning, saying that the lack of an open selection process failed the city's schools and children.
"Mayor Bloomberg, they say insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. We've been this way before. Joel Klein was unqualified," Barron said.
2012: How Sarah Barracuda Becomes President