Edited on Sun May-22-11 10:11 AM by RBInMaine
All eyes are on NY 26. It can be done. Your candidate is GREAT. I've donated several times from Maine. If she wins this, it will scare the hell out of the RePUKES and be a huge boost to us. It will virtually KILL their desire to KILL Medicare. You just watch. It will send shockwaves through the GOP from one end of the country to the other. YOU NEED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. Donate, call, canvass. Please help. Just go to Kathy Hochul For Congress on the web. Also, the DCCC has phonebanking from home. Just google DCCC. People are calling and donating from all over the country. Please help.
PS: Visited NYC a few years ago and had great fun. My mother went to Niagra Falls recently and loved it. I'll be coming through NY on my way to PA next month. Great state.