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there must have been a few DUer's in Chapel Hill last night?

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barbtries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-29-08 11:36 AM
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there must have been a few DUer's in Chapel Hill last night?
Edited on Tue Apr-29-08 11:37 AM by barbtries
how was it? my son and i considered going but it was too late at night.

edited to ask: did he take questions? did he discuss ending the war, accountability for the gw administration, anything special and endearing? thanks
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left of center Donating Member (287 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-01-08 08:35 PM
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1. I was there...
Arrived at ~6:30 on a shuttle bus that left the Friday center. Was waiting in a very long line while the rain was pouring, but the gates opened a little early. He was to speak at 9:30, but got there at 10:30. The music was good and there were speakers like David Price to entertain the crowd until Obama arrived. I was standing about 15 feet away from where he stood on the stage.

His speech was good but not all that different from clips we see on DU. He did address the character assasination that has been directed at him and he went into detail about how McCain's gas tax holiday would save the typical consumer only $25, how it won't help the economy, and how its only real impact would be hurting the highway trust fund.

The Dean Dome was almost filled to capacity, but many of the people came in later. Some of us stood/sat for almost 4 hours to see Obama up close. I got home about 12:30. It was worth it though, as I figured it might be my only chance to see Obama before November!
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