2004 vote count smoother, still some problems
Scripps Howard News Service
December 22, 2004
...The worst rates of undervoting for president this year occurred in New Mexico with 97.5 percent of ballots counting, Idaho with 97.6 percent counting, and
North Carolina with 97.7 percent....But Gary Bartlett, executive director of the North Carolina Board of Elections, did not defend the high undervote or suggest voters are ignoring the presidential race. "I was hoping we would improve over what happened in 2000. But this shows a law in our state that needs to be reviewed and probably be changed," Bartlett said.
Both North Carolina and South Carolina historically suffer unusually high undervotes in presidential elections because, by state law, voters who mark the "straight-party-ticket voting" option must also vote separately for president. Every four years, tens of thousands of voters in both states apparently forget to do this.
Full election data is not yet available from South Carolina, but in North Carolina this year 58,223 ballots failed to register a presidential vote.