(Will cross-post to GLBT)
I checked my email early this morning and found a note from Equality-NC with a report on an early bill-filing from Rep Paul Stamm (R-Wake). Stamm, you may recall as the only member of the NC House to vote against cross-burning, continued to show his true priorities with his first-day filing.
Was it for middle-class tax relief? No.
Was it for an increase in the minimum wage? No.
Was it for any benefit to NC schools? No.
Was it to give incentives for renewable or green energy? No.
Was it to keep NC jobs from going overseas? No.
Was it to help stimulate NC's lagging economy? No.
Oh, no, it was none of these. The most important and pressing issue on Mr Stamm's mind was absolutely none of the above. Far outweighing any of these, apparently of far, far greater consequence, of much greater and pressing need is the urgent and immediate, first-order business to amend the state constitution to ensure that GLBT people will never have the right to marry.
You heard it right. Mr Stamm feels that it is of far more extreme, even dire importance to promote bigotry than it is to get our economy rolling and our citizens working again.
That just paints the picture in full living color exactly where the NC GOP priorities lie.
"Sad" and "pitiful" don't even cover it, and "out of touch" doesn't seem to do it justice.