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Youth for Western Civilization brings Tom Tancredo to UNC
Student group opposes diversity, multiculturalism
By Matt Saldaña
A new student group at UNC-Chapel Hill that decries "radical multiculturalism" and "mass immigration"—and whose faculty sponsor, ironically, is married to a Hispanic woman—will host former U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak Tuesday night about illegal immigration.
The event is hosted by the UNC chapter of Youth for Western Civilization, a self-styled "right-wing youth movement" founded in 2008 to "create a subculture that will promote the survival of Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage" on college campuses.
Riley Matheson, a senior, told the Indy that he started the UNC chapter in February to counter the campus' celebration of diversity, as well as the university's "deep mistrust and hatred of Western heritage" ...
The Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based conservative training organization, is funding the event, according to Matheson ... Leadership Institute
From SourceWatch
The Leadership Institute is a Virginia based training organisation for potential conservative political leaders ... Past Students: Mitch McConnell ... Karl Rove ... James Guckert ... Grover Norquist ... Ralph Reed ....