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As you are probably aware, for the first time in history, a North Carolina governor was forced to veto a budget bill passed by the General Assembly. Governor Perdue vetoed the shameful state budget that the General Assembly sent to her because she knew it was not good for North Carolina.
This budget would take hundreds of millions of dollars our State’s public schools, as well as decimate funding for public colleges, public health programs, and many other vital public services. It would drastically cut Medicaid funding, virtually eliminate legal representation for indigent defendants, slash funding for transit infrastructure, and even cut funding for libraries and parks.
Unfortunately, the Governor’s veto may be overturned because five Democrats decided to vote with the Republicans and create a veto-proof majority. These five representatives need to hear from you! Tell them that they need to vote against any veto override and vote for the people of North Carolina.
Rep. William Brisson (from Dublin) – 919-733-5772
Rep. Jim Crawford (from Oxford) – 919-733-5824
Rep. Dewey Hill (from Lake Waccamaw) – 919-733-5830
Rep. Bill Owens (from Elizabeth City) – 919-733-0010
Rep. Tim Spear (from Creswell) – 919-715-3029
Tell these Democrats that you expect more from them than the political pandering and the same old cuts-only approach that Republicans claim is the only solution – you expect them to stand up for the people and do their job!
The General Assembly can do better than to simply cut their way to a balanced budget – they can take a careful and thoughtful approach that can actually invest in the future rather than destroying it. Teachers and roads and libraries are important to the people of North Carolina – not to mention jobs and healthcare.
Tell these five Democrats to stop playing political games and start working!