**Take this 60 second action alert **
Tell Your County: North Carolina Deserves the Best Voting System
One minute is all it takes to help save North Carolina's counties and taxpayers millions of dollars... one minute for the best possible implementation of the verifiable voting law we all worked so hard to pass.
Some would like NC to buy expensive e-voting machines (DREs) that are vulnerable to malfunctions. But this would undermine the intent of our new law: to increase voter confidence in our elections.
North Carolina can choose a better system, the precinct-based optical scan system, which starts with a voter-verified paper ballot and costs far less than DREs, both to buy and to maintain and operate. This system is used with equipment that assists the disabled to mark and verify ballots privately and independently.
The counties have a say in this. If you tell your county decision-makers: "Don't fail us! For once, the best system is the most cost-effective," you can make the difference.
Don't let them undo the "Public Confidence in Elections" Act. Take 60 seconds: send a message to your election officials and county commissioners to say no one wants millions of tax dollars wasted on a system we know will fail.
When you are done, you can pass this alert on to everyone you know. Use the sample letter below, or feel free to edit it as you see fit. (If you prefer to send a fax, please click the "send fax" box below.)
http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/vevo/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=1621 or
http://tinyurl.com/am786 Go to this link to send your county officials a message,
and please pass this on to all friends and list serves.....Make sure you select FAX as well as email, as some county officials don't have email! Thank you!