Is this a serious bill that's going through the legislature - that a couple who were "going out" together cannot marry if they were "going out" whilst one of the couple were married to someone else? If so, what's the source of this? On its own it sounds crazy, and any politician of any hue unless they're _extremely_ warped wouldn't even introduce such crazy legislation let alone vote for it.
Certainly it sounds like something the "Family Values" crowd would dream up, but how many Southern Baptist preachers would this legislation affect too? I am personally against divorce but if someone else wants to get one fine by me.
Would there be a time limit on it? This would make more sense to my more "conservative" family values - I certainly think that say, three years after a separation or divorce of a married couple, if the divorcee is still "going out" with the significant other that caused that person to dissolve their marriage then perhaps they have found Mr./Ms. Right after all and should be encouraged to live their lives out together. I personally think that marriage is way too easy over here in the US, and something to encourage people to stay together and maybe even some compulsory "pre-marriage" counselling is in order. When any couple can show up at the local courthouse, get a license, say their "I Do's" in front of a JP and they're married just like that then that's way too easy.
As repugnant as I find Senator Dole's attitude towards certain policies (esp. healthcare - voting to cut it as an example), I don't think that her marriage should be annulled due to some law such as this. She's been married enough years to Bob to ensure that they're happy enough together.