From Code Pink in NC: ---------------------------------------------
Resist Military Recruiting in North Carolina Organizing Meeting and Strategy Session
Meet in the Lower Level of 822 Chamberlain St. in Raleigh (Raleigh F.I.S.T. office at the A.C.R.E. space) Corner of Chamberlain and Mayview in Raleigh
For the last two years dedicated activists and groups in NC have been focusing on Counter-Recruiting work, both to expose the racist practices and lies of the recruiters, and as a practical step toward ending U.S. wars by cutting off the flow of youth into the military machine. From the recent training camp sponsored by Not Your Soldier, to the important work Code Pink has done fighting the recruiting clause of the No Child Left Behind Act, Raleigh F.I.S.T.'s direct picketing of recruiting stations, and the work by the Campus Greens at NCSU with F.I.S.T. to drive recruiters off State's campus, many folks have made important, but too often isolated contributions.
We offer this afternoon meeting as an opportunity to share experience and strategies about counter-recruiting work, but also to forge deeper relationships and communication to offer a more disciplined and concerted fight-back against this face of imperialism.
Please plan to attend this Saturday. If you are available and interested in helping to facilitate a strategy session (see the schedule below) please call. If you cannot come but would like to hear the results of the meeting and keep in contact about this issue, please let us know. Check out www.NoWeWontGo.org
Raleigh F.I.S.T. (919) 413-1276 Elena greentararaider@yahoo.com (919) 539-2051 Dante lustreplasmate@riseup.net or vandura@riseup.net
Schedule for the Day 2-2:30 Introductions and Goal Setting 2:35-3:35 Strategy Session 1 A: Parents and Educators - *No Child Left Behind opt-out strategies for parents *demanding equal time on campuses for alternatives to military. B: Youth and Students * dealing with recruiters on campus, JROTC, ROTC * alternatives to the military * debunking recruiter lies * sensitivity and solidarity with low income students and people of color in ROTC * direct action strategies for confronting recruiters when they appear * organizing quick response teams 3:40-3:55 Report Back 3:55-4:10 Break 4:10-5:00 Strategy 2: Week of Action (March 19-25), Sustainable Direct Action Infrastructure for ongoing work