Sunday, July 9, 2006
Members of truth commissions praise work done in Greensboro
... "People in this city may not realize what a remarkable thing you have here," said Mark McGovern, who represents a truth group in Northern Ireland. "This process is an extraordinary achievement, a beacon to those of us elsewhere. The problem is city officials."
Participants who have worked on similar projects in countries including South Africa, Sierra Leone and Peru also praised the Greensboro commission during the two-day, closed-door meeting at Bennett College, which ended Friday.
Participants in the discussions compared the work of the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project, including a spinoff commission's recent report on the fatal Ku Klux Klan shootings of 1979, with the work of similar bodies in other countries.
Work by members of the local project led to the creation of the separate Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission. After two years of study, that seven-member commission issued a report May 25 on the Klan shootings of Nov. 3, 1979, that killed five members of the Communist Workers Party and injured 10 others ...!localnews&s=1037645509099