Updated: 2/26/2007 8:06 PM
By: Ashley Smith
... By May 2008, each state's Division of Motor Vehicles will be required to issue national identification cards. It's part of the Real ID Act, which ensures everyone living or working in the United States carries the same type of identification ...
"After the law has kicked in, you'll have to come back to us with some documentation that proves your citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a passport. You'll have to show proof of your residence," Hurder said.
The new law would require the DMV to verify each document with the issuing agency and that process could take days or weeks. That means customers will no longer get same day service. Another problem is money; implementation could cost an estimated $11 billion nationwide. At this point, no federal funding is set aside to help states comply.
"In terms of what it does, Real ID is a real nightmare," said American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) director Jennifer Rudinger. “Real ID rolls this progress we've made in fighting identity theft backwards by creating this massive storage center of all of our information and anyone who wants to hack into that would be able to access our information." ...