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I want to knock Liddy Dole off her Senate seat so badly, I can taste it.

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Mira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-18-08 11:39 PM
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I want to knock Liddy Dole off her Senate seat so badly, I can taste it.
Edited on Mon Feb-18-08 11:50 PM by Mira
I want a Senator who's for real.

I was fortunate to meet two Democrats willing to try to run against her yesterday
Both were good looking, eloquent, had a powerful presence as speakers and a solid command of the space they occupy. Candidates to be proud of.

Ladies first:
Kay Hagan,

5 terms in the NC Senate, she does not have to learn how to be a Politician.
On three questions important to me the answers were;
Would she have granted immunity to the telecommunications companies: YES
On Gun control she is in favor of banning assault weapons, and to leave the rest alone.
On Iraq she favors our pulling out, but I can't remember the details of anything else for some reason.

Jim Neal
Economist, worked on wall street, financial analyst MBA. No previous political experience
On the same three questions his answers were:
Would he have granted immunity to telecoms for wiretapping: NO. He said the government overstepped all boundaries of constitutional protection of it's citizens asking these companies to break the law.
On Gun control he would ban assault weapons, and furthermore only allow the appropriate hunting weapons and favors strong curbing of handguns.
On Iraq he favors withdrawal, and promises to NEVER vote for funding the furthering of the war in any way.

Well, fellow DUers and Carolinians, it's a start.
and like I said:
Liddy has to go. Liddy WHO? Missing since '02.

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LiberalinNC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-19-08 08:26 AM
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1. I've seen a few Jim Neal signs in the Cary/Apex area.
I agree....Libby needs to go!
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benEzra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-19-08 12:02 PM
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2. Both candidates' stance on the gun issue will be a problem for a lot of NC Dems/indies...
Edited on Tue Feb-19-08 12:04 PM by benEzra
and I would feel much better about this if they addressed that (I suspect neither is entirely clear on the topic). Small-caliber centerfire rifles (aka "assault weapons") aren't a crime problem in NC (or anywhere else), but they are among the most popular target rifles in the state and nationwide, and banning them would affect more gun owners than banning hunting would. 4 out of 5 gun owners are nonhunters, BTW.

I'd rather candidates be more like most of our Dem state gov't in that regard. Falling for the "assault weapon" bait-and-switch doesn't help anybody, and just perpetuates the tired "Dems'll take yer guns" meme.
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MattNC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-27-08 11:08 AM
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3. blah
I'm not excited about either candidate to be honest. Dole is vulnerable, but it's highly unlikely Hagan or Neal can defeat her. Hagan is rather bland, and NC isn't ready to elect a gay politician. Sad but true. I was hoping one of the four superstars (Cooper, Easley, Moore, Perdue) would've taken the challenge.
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waiting for hope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-27-08 08:09 PM
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4. Funny I should see this -
I just left a Meet and Greet with Jim Neal and I have to say, I came away very impressed. He had some great answers on NCLB and college accessibility. His Healthcare approach is very good - combination of single payer and a medicaid like situation to those now not on any insurance. He wants to shake up the system, offer change - I just got home and I have to say, I'm still smiling.
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ManiFesto Donating Member (61 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-29-08 10:44 PM
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5. Democratic money
Was made to be burned.

Can I just explain our state to a few folk for a minute?

There are races you are poised to win, and those you are not.

Statewide is the hardest.

Every. Single. Under. 30. Kid. In Chapel Hill.

Can run around the state for Jim Neal, but they are just going to PISS voters off.

He can show up with an entourage of 30 to every single major city "Drinking Liberally" crowd on the Internet and win votes he already has, and still lose to that nice woman that ran the Red Cross by SUBSTANTIAL LEADS.

Let's just say it's a big state. And I won't count Kay out, but men can't attack women in the South. Openly gay men certainly can't. But I do look forward to the Reality TV show in the works.

Said as a DEMOCRAT that likes winning. (I know MOST don't.)

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