Edited on Mon Feb-18-08 11:50 PM by Mira
I want a Senator who's for real.
I was fortunate to meet two Democrats willing to try to run against her yesterday Both were good looking, eloquent, had a powerful presence as speakers and a solid command of the space they occupy. Candidates to be proud of.
Ladies first: Kay Hagan, www.kayhagan.com
5 terms in the NC Senate, she does not have to learn how to be a Politician. On three questions important to me the answers were; Would she have granted immunity to the telecommunications companies: YES On Gun control she is in favor of banning assault weapons, and to leave the rest alone. On Iraq she favors our pulling out, but I can't remember the details of anything else for some reason.
Jim Neal www.jimnealforsenate.com Economist, worked on wall street, financial analyst MBA. No previous political experience On the same three questions his answers were: Would he have granted immunity to telecoms for wiretapping: NO. He said the government overstepped all boundaries of constitutional protection of it's citizens asking these companies to break the law. On Gun control he would ban assault weapons, and furthermore only allow the appropriate hunting weapons and favors strong curbing of handguns. On Iraq he favors withdrawal, and promises to NEVER vote for funding the furthering of the war in any way.
Well, fellow DUers and Carolinians, it's a start. and like I said: Liddy has to go. Liddy WHO? Missing since '02.