Here's my letter to the NDDemocrats@yahoogroups.com:
I just want to echo Dan Hannaher's encouragement to those of you in the Red River Valley to make some time to get over and help with the Kerry campaign in Minnesota. I just returned from DLF HQ in Morehead. MN is a swing state, and there were no callers there when I left, and plenty of work still to do. I know we have North Dakota candidates to worry about, but lets face it--George Bush is going to carry North Dakota. We all need to do everything we can to make sure that John Kerry is the next president of the United States. Morehead is just across the river, MN is a battelground and they can use your help. Calling for several hours into the rural 7th CD is a challenge. I know from my time in Minnesota how conservative this area---fervently patriotic and staunchly pro-life--can be. However, it was no more than 60/40 willing to identify for Bush over Kerry, and I found quite a few undecided voters willing to discuss specific issues, such as health care, the war in Iraq, etc. Please consider doing what ever you can to make sure MN goes Blue on Nov. 2. Moorhead DFL Coordinated Campaign Office 501 Main Ave Moorhead, MN 56560 (218) 287-4273