to his loyal KFGO listeners on News and Views. you....
It was almost nine years ago when Bruce Thom and I had lunch. He wanted me to work for him and I was screaming inside to go to work for KFGO. I couldn't believe I was doing a deal that would take me away from WDAY radio and TV. I was shocked at all the coverage it got at the time. I told Thom I wanted a long term deal. Ten years with a management position and he had to double my earnings. He did all of that.
I told him that News and Views would be number one for as long as I hosted the show and KFGO would never lose the top ranking in the market. I knew I was walking into a station with top talent and I thought I could add to the staff. It all worked out.
With that, I owe the loyal listening folks of KFGO a big thank you for their support and patience over the years. I realize your not a good talk show host if everybody likes you. That goes with the job. Had it not been for the day to day faithful folks who tuned into News and Views, I would not have the opportunity to attempt the next level. I will never forget that.
No radio show or career lasts forever. The day will come when my microphone will be turned off and Big Eddy will be done. I think I can look anybody in the eye and say I did my best and made my breaks. Who knows what the future holds? I know this, it has been a great ride with KFGO and I owe alot to alot of people especially my wife Wendy.