This is very cool.
Senators Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan and Congressman Earl Pomeroy announced today that General Wesley Clark will be the keynote speaker at the 2006 Democratic-NPL Convention in Fargo.
"This year the North Dakota Democratic Convention will host a lifelong soldier and public servant," the delegation said in a joint statement. "General Clark’s dedicated service to our nation is an inspiration for all North Dakotans. He believes in, and fought for, the democratic values that America was founded upon — the values of honesty and hard work. These are the values so many of us in North Dakota share."
A Rhodes scholar and a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Clark, 62, served in the United States Army for more than 30 years. During his service, Clark held various posts around the world including Commander in Chief of the U.S. Southern Command, and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO — a position once held by President Eisenhower. As Supreme Allied Commander, Clark led NATO forces in the conflict in the Balkans, where the United States was able to halt ethnic cleansing in Kosovo without the loss of a single American life.{BA7CDFAA-A2DF-466D-8AA7-E6868E9173D4}&DE={BDF34E2F-C46E-4870-8E69-D44B79560915}