I was representing Congressional Candidate Roy Carter (Nc-05)at the Wilkes County Convention today here is my speech, by the way Roy gave his best speech to date at the Forsyth County Convention, and drew several standing ovations. www.roycarterforcongress.com
I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have the DEVIL as our representative, than Virginia Foxx, because at least the DEVIL is willing to admit that he is an AGENT OF EVIL, and last time I checked, he’s the one in possession of Foxx’s soul, not her.
But I’m thrilled to be here this morning.
Throughout North Carolina, dedicated Democrats like you are coming together on this County Convention day to celebrate the proud heritage of our Party and prepare for the Democratic victory on May 6th and in the future. Thank you for attending your County Convention and for all the work that you are doing on behalf of our wonderful slate of candidates.
Roy can’t wait to see you again on the campaign trail when he visits Wilkes County again within the next two weeks.
Roy began this campaign on Labor Day of last year because he has a passion to serve the working families of our district who have been betrayed by Virginia Foxx.
Roy is proud to have been a public school educator for the last 40 years.
And a remarkable one at that.
I know him as such because I was there, in his classroom.
But Mr. Carter, realized that things weren’t changing.
Certainly not for the better.
Every semester his students would come in with tattered clothes and shoes.
They would have to tend to all the household chores, or even cook dinner, because their parents were working two jobs.
They weren’t able to study for tests or properly prepare for class because they couldn’t AFFORD to.
Roy made a choice, to run for Congress. Not, for himself, but for those students, his students.
Roy looked in the eyes of our young people, my friends, your children, and asked himself, will they be able to afford a college education, can they afford healthcare, will they be able to one day buy a home and get a decent job?
He’s running for them, and I ask you to run with him.
Virginia Foxx has turned her back on the young people he fought for hisENTIRE life.
That is why he is determined to defeat her and restore true and honest representation to the people of the fifth district.
In Congress, he will fight for affordable healthcare, low interest loans for college students, real economic development that brings jobs back to western North Carolina, and a swift end to the war in Iraq.
Mr. Carter believes that people are tired of traditional politicians who run for office every few years just to prove that they can.
What we need, and what the people of the 5th district are yearning for, is someone who is willing to represent them, someone who was BORN HERE, who has worked here, and who understands the needs of our people.
Roy served as a coach and educator in these communities all of his life and is proud that he received the endorsement of the North Carolina teachers association, the National Education Association, Democracy for America, and the Winston-Salem Journal.
Roy is the candidate who has shown that he is prepared to defeat Virginia Foxx and take back our district for the people.
Unlike Virginia Foxx, his voting record will always reflect the common values and best interests of the constituents.
When it comes down to a difficult vote in Congress, Roy will put people above politics every single time.
So, Make no mistake, this shall be a campaign against those who covet power, by those who require liberty.
It is not just his campaign, it is OUR campaign.
If every one of you, were to demand representation that will command and earn your respect, that shall be your first step in obtaining it.
So demand it!
We demand to be represented by one of our own, by someone who grew up here, who knew our grandparents, who taught our brothers and sisters. And who would never turn his back on us.
Therefore we must liberate this land on our own.
And it is Foxx that stands in our way.
Because, She has remained loyal to those war-waging scoundrels for what amounts to little more than a schoolgirl crush on George W. Bush.
But We're building momentum now, - and it's flowing down the mountains like the storm waters of justice.
So No longer shall WE remain silent.
We're here, we're back, and we're not backing down.
The Nation, did a cover story about our county party's resurgence, so now it’s time to put our PASSION where our mouth is.
We're going to reach out and bring others to our cause with a zeal that's never before been witnessed.
With a passion that will make headlines and a commitment that will carry over for years to come.
We will hit every street, travel down every gravel road, climb every mountain, and walk every field spreading the seeds of redemption in this district.
Coach Roy Carter has laid everything on the line to bring his former students home, and out of harms way.
And I ask you to join him now, measure your worth, and stand up with him, for no more war, and a change in direction.
Folks, a campaign for Congress will never hit this close to home.
This is our native son, running for our best interests, and I don’t know about you but I refuse to lose this one.
So we have to take that extra step, to make ONE MORE phone call, or email. To write ONE MORE letter, or postcard, and to increase your efforts in WHATEVER way you can.
Folks, this is personal, this is a personal campaign.
I’m skipping classes to attend campaign events, AND To KNOCK ON DOORS.
I’m constantly running on an empty tank of gas traveling from Boone to Ashe to Forsyth and back here to Wilkes, almost every day.
So I’m asking you to HELP ME, to Help ROY, and to help yourselves.
The day after Roy announced I called Roy him at his office at North Wilkes High Achool and offered my services, and my time.
I said, “Put me in coach, I’m ready to WIN,”
So today, I ask you to join me, stand up, and get up OFF THAT SIDELINE.
And get ready to win