here's a search on google of "high speed rail" and "scam", with 5,230,000 hits!!!!!!"m not going to post them all, but here are a few: fact, the price tag is still growing. A report issued by the Florida High Speed Rail Authority in January 2002 estimated that the cost to build the first 80-mile rail segment between Tampa and Orlando would be between $1.2 billion and $1.8 billion. In January of this year, the Authority reported that the costs have more than doubled to an estimated $2.6 billion.
As Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, I have a constitutional responsibility to evaluate the financial soundness and accountability of state projects, including a high-speed rail. I have evaluated the data and potential impact on the state's treasury, including the escalating costs, questionable ridership projections, uncertainty of federal funding and lack of private sector participation. I believe diverting billions of taxpayer dollars to implement a high-speed rail is simply unconscionable.
With no guarantee of federal funding and a lack of funding from the private sector, Florida taxpayers are facing a $150 million price tag annually for the next 30 years just to build the first rail segment. The Florida Transportation Commission also announced last month that the proposed rail would not alleviate traffic congestion in and around the I-4 corridor.
Moreover, implementing a project of this magnitude will come at a great cost to the current and ongoing transportation needs of our state. Projects like the Palmetto Expressway in Miami, I-75 in Lee County, US 19 in Pinellas County, SR 520 in Orlando, I-95 in Brevard County, Butler Boulevard in Jacksonville, and US 331 in Walton County. These are concrete transportation projects with known benefits. High-speed rail is an unknown.
and if you search "high speed rail" and "boondoggle" you get 85,700 hits!!! lot of interesting reading.
not all the links are 100% on topic, but there's enough there to let you know that UNLESS the feds come up with amounts in the tens of Billions, it will suck all the available resources in the state to set up high speed rail, which could be more wisely spent elsewhere.
The derailment of this shell game is ALWAYS the cost. But WHILE they're discussing it, influential people start landgrabbing, and "studies" are commissioned, and a lot of speculation money gets thrown about, for nothing.