http://www.dispatch.com/news/news.php?story=dispatch/2006/07/15/20060715-E1-03.html“A former Republican primary challenger can’t run against U.S. Rep. Deborah Pryce as an independent candidate this fall, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell ruled yesterday.
Charles R. Morrison II, a conservative businessman who Republicans feared would steer votes away from Pryce in an already tight race against Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy, doesn’t meet Ohio’s requirements for independents because of his GOP ties, Blackwell said.
Blackwell’s ruling runs counter to one that he benefited from in 1984 when he was a candidate for Congress. He filed that year to run as a Republican, even though he voted as a Democrat in the 1980 primary election.
The Hamilton County Board of Elections tied on whether Blackwell could run, and Democrat Sherrod Brown, the secretary of state at the time, ruled in Blackwell’s favor, allowing him on the ballot for a primary race that he lost.
Blackwell also certified Robert Fitrakis as an independent candidate for governor this year, even though elections records show that Fitrakis, like Morrison, voted in the Republican primary the day after filing as an independent. No one has challenged Fitrakis’ candidacy.