http://www.dispatch.com/news/news.php?story=dispatch/2006/07/26/20060726-A4-01.html“Despite ominous early poll numbers and an Ohio political climate rocked by scandals, presidential adviser Karl Rove said he remains confident that Republicans can keep the governor’s office and a U.S. Senate seat this fall.
Rove was the featured speaker at the second-annual fundraising dinner for the seven central Ohio counties’ Republican parties at Villa Milano on the North Side. He thanked Republicans for helping to re-elect Bush in 2004 and urged them to repeat that effort this fall.
‘My message to you is you did it in ’04, you’ve got the tools, you’ve got the enthusiasm, you’ve got the intensity, now it’s time to bring it back and do it again in 2006,’ Rove said in a 38-minute speech to about 350 people at the $100-per-ticket event. ***
‘What would the results had been if (Democrats) had their way? It’s pretty clear: less economic growth, longer recession, fewer jobs, more government, bigger deficits and less economic growth for America,’ he said.
Rove defended Bush’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack, saying past U.S. retreats in the face of terrorism didn’t work.
:crazy: :rofl: