CALLING ALL DEMOCRATIC NURSES AND STUDENTS!!!!! If you are a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, advanced practice nurse, or a student of a nursing program and consider yourself a Democrat, please join us. The web site address is www.ohdemnurses.org A detailed Mission statement can be found on the web site and copy is attached to this communication. Our overall goals are to: Inform nurses about nursing and health care positions of Democratic party candidates; Educate Democratic party candidates about issues of concern to nurses; Recruit Democratic nurses to seek public office; Advise nurses of Democratic nurse candidates for office. HOW TO JOIN Please visit the newly launched web site at ohdemnurses.org and click on "Contribute" to join on-line. The minimum contribution is $10.00 or $15.00 if you do not have an email address. The contributions will be used to develop and maintain the organization and our communication network. The NDC is a volunteer organization and is an official caucus of the Ohio Democratic Party. Almost all communication will be by email. We will do periodic mailings to those who do not have an email address. If you do not wish to join on line, send your check made out to: Nurses Democratic Caucus. c/o Carol Roe 943 Beverly Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44121 Be sure to include your address, phone numbers, and email address. OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY STATE CONVENTION Some of us will be at the Ohio Democratic Party State Convention. The convention is being held: Saturday, September 16, 1:30 pm at Tri-C in Parma (Cleveland.) Additional information can be found on the ODP website- www.ohiodems.org Let me know if you are attending and we can make plans to meet-up. NURSES SEEKING OFFICE Judge William O'Neill, an attorney and a nurse, is seeking election to the Ohio Supreme Court. Sue Morano is a staff nurse hoping to be elected to the Ohio Senate. Additional information about these nurses candidates can be found on the web site-www.ohdemnurses.org If you know of other Democratic nurses who are candidates for office, let us know and we will add the information to the web site. PLEASE SHARE THE NEWS ABOUT NDC WITH YOUR NURSE COLLEAGUES. QUESTIONS CAN BE DIRECTED TO CAROL ROE, INTERIM CHAIRPERSON AT THIS EMAIL ADDRESS OR carol@ohdemnurses.org