Padgett, who announced her candidacy as Ney quit the race amid scandal and sagging poll numbers, was one of eight people to file petitions yesterday for the Sept. 14 special election. Two others currently serve as elected officials: Dover Mayor Richard P. Homrighausen and Holmes County Commissioner Ray L. Feikert.
Some Republicans had hoped to clear a path for Padgett as the only candidate to replace Ney, avoiding a $500,000 special election. But the field of wouldbe contenders ballooned yesterday.
Others who submitted petitions are:
• Coshocton farmer Samuel G. Firman.
• Former Guernsey County health commissioner John R. Bennett.
• Perennial candidate Ralph L. Applegate of Columbus.
• Financial analyst James Brodbelt Harris of Zanesville.
• Gregory L. Zelenitz of Belmont, a board member of the Ohio National Road Association.
Send in the clowns.
:crazy: :silly: :crazy: :silly: