Laura is coming to the Granville Inn to fundraise for Joy Padgett next Tuesday...she won the primary for the 18th (Bob Ney's district). She was also the person he wanted to take his seat. She is currently in the Ohio Senate...I think. What really pisses me off....Granville isn't even in the 18th....it's the 12th. GRRRR.
It's a luncheon and I'm assuming Columbus Dispatch and Newark Advocate will be there...and since this is occuring at the noon hour, I bet the TV cameras will be there as well for their live feed at noon.
I thought of having a small 'spoof' of 3 to 5 women all dressed up like Repug women....hats, pearls, heels, and WHITE GLOVES. (Think Audrey Hepburn). Each woman would carry a sign (on pink cardboard) saying something like: "Padgett Wears Gloves so Her Hands Don't Touch the Dirty Money." Or "The Money is so Dirty, She's Gotta Wear Gloves." And maybe there would be fake money sticking out of each women's purse and glued to the signs.
Padgett is running against Zack Space....and his Campaign Manager wants NO pushback whatsoever because he thinks this would be 'harassing' Laura and that she is loved by America. WTF? Am I missing something?
I think a big part of the Ohio campaign involves: It's the Corruption, Stupid!
I would be interested in hearing DUers thoughts on this.
BTW, our local paper has already quoted a pug who said about Zack, "I bet he's scared now. He is facing Padgett." And Zack responded to the quote by calling it 'Non-sensical.'
IMHO, if Zack does nothing, he is going to look AWFUL (scared). And IMHO, I think this is a fabulous opportunity to get some great media coverage. This Spoof will VISUALLY show the connection of dirty money (corruptiong) and the Pugs. Right? One woman would speak to the Media (if we get the opportunity) and talk of the connection between pugs and dirty money/corruption.
Or should all the women dress in black...think Mafia funeral (big black hats, black veils..) as if we are attending a funeral for Ohio? The Pugs have killed Ohio and we are honoring its memory?
What does everyone think?