I was reading the Cincy Enquirer online yesterday where it was noted that their homegrown lunatic, Ken Blackwell, leads Strickland in SW Ohio whilst Strickland is predictably leading in SE Ohio. I'm predicting that District 2's four, rural Appalachian counties to the east (Brown, Adams, Scioto and Pike) will once again go blue but Hamilton County and its satellite counties to the west will go heavily red, voting for both Blackwell in a losing cause and returning Jean Schmidt to office. Such a result would mean that once again the vote of the Appalachian counties in D2 will be for naught and they will essentially be without representation. I'm sick of this shit!!!
Does anyone here think there's a possibility of some redistricting once Strickland takes office? I was born and raised in Portsmouth and it's about damned time those folks didn't have to live and die at the whim of whatever Cincinnati wants. Get us Appalchian folks the fuck out of D2 and give us our voice back!!