Monday, October 9th, 2006
Dirty Joy is at it again.
Ohio Sen. Joy Padgett, who won that seat two years ago in part by attacking me for being "soft on terrorism," and her bear-leaders in Washington, have clearly decided that what works, works. They are now spending $1 million a month trying to label her Democratic opponent for Ohio's 18th District congressional seat, Zack Space - surprise, surprise - soft on terrorism.
It's a stretch, admittedly. Space has absolutely nothing on his record, in his lengthy community service, or in any position he has taken that would warrant such a label. But then, neither did I. That didn't matter to Joy then, and it doesn't now. If you can tell a big enough lie often enough, maybe somebody will believe it.
And that's the real issue. Joy is desperate to distract voters from her recent million-dollar personal bankruptcy filing, her close connection with Ohio's highly unpopular Gov. Bob Taft and his failed policies, and most especially, her close relationship with U.S. Rep. Bob Ney, whose seat she is trying to fill, and who pled guilty to federal corruption charges after months of denials (and open support in those denials by Joy).
Joy's campaign tactics again show her moral, as well as financial, bankruptcy. She cares nothing for the truth, and obviously has nothing but contempt for the voters if she expects them to keep swallowing this bull.
Bob Ney is an admitted liar and a thief. Do the residents of Ohio really want another liar to replace him? Thankfully, the smell of corruption in Columbus and Washington is so strong that even the biggest lies can't cover it up. Zack Space, who is not a professional politician and vows he will put his constituents ahead of any special interests, remains at least 10 points ahead of Joy Padgett in this congressional race, with just a month to go.
Sometimes, good guys do win.
Terry Anderson
River Road