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A Letter from Jimmy DiMora, Cuyahoga County Dem Chair
Urgent: RNC "Swiftboats" Kucinich
October 26, 2006
A Letter from Jimmy Dimora
Dear Friends of Dennis,
What do they have to hide? The National Republican Party has launched a desperate, last minute "swiftboat" type smear attack against Congressman Dennis Kucinich who is in line to chair a key investigate subcommittee of the House of Representatives.
The Republican Party’s official website,, attacks Kucinich in machine gun style, about FIFTY TIMES, for his opposition to the Bush agenda including, the War in Iraq, the Patriot Act, and National Missile "Defense." Everyone knows Kucinich was right, and Bush was wrong, on each and every contested issue relating to national security. (Yesterday they gave Nancy Pelosi similar treatment.)
Why then, with the Republicans on the verge of losing control of both the House and the Senate, would they train such a lengthy, hysterical and vicious attack on Kucinich?
The answer is obvious: Kucinich is in line to chair the Government Oversight subcommittee on International Relations, National Security and Emerging Threats, which will bring out the truth about each and every Administration lie which led us into war, into fear, into a roll back of our civil liberties. Under his chairmanship, people in Washington will at last be held accountable for their misdeeds. The truth will come out about 911, the war in Iraq and how the Administration's policies and actions have directly put America in more danger.
As Jimmy closes,
Help Dennis get the gavel to give the GOP the boot. Not a bad idea.
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White Rose Society and download last Friday's Randi Rhodes Show for an interview with Dennis Kucinich --
Randi Rhodes Fri 10-27-06 mp3 at White Rose SocietyKucinich interview @ Beginning of Hour Two