Tuesday, December 12, 2006 Action Alert
Call to Support Governor's Veto
I am writing to let you know that a vote in an attempt to override Governor Taft's veto of HB 347 will likely take place on the floor of the Ohio Senate today. As I mentioned in yesterday's action alert, if the gun lobby and Ohio General Assembly are successful in the override, the State of Ohio will hereby prevent local communities from deciding what is in the best interests of their citizens, families and children related to firearms. Important public safety laws in municipalities across Ohio will be wiped off the books. (See The Columbus Dispatch: 80 Local Gun Laws Imperiled by Bill)
A copy of The Plain Dealer editorial today "Taft's veto should stand" is pasted below, along with contact information for members of the Ohio Senate. Session begins at 1:30 p.m. and can be watched live, online at www.ohiochannel.org.
Taft's veto should stand
The Plain Dealer - Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The legislature's obsession with deadly weapons and its assault on the concept of home rule continues today when the Ohio Senate votes on overriding Gov. Bob Taft's veto of the legislature's latest gun bill.
Last week, the governor rightly vetoed a bill that loosens restrictions on carrying concealed weapons and strips local governments of any meaningful ability to regulate the sale or possession of guns. Hours later, the House overwhelmingly overrode the veto.
A key vote in today's drama will be Sen. Marc Dann, the state's attorney general-elect. He should resist the temptation to support his friends in the gun lobby and should side instead with the principle of giving voters in Ohio's cities, villages and townships the right to self-government.
• Sen. Amstutz 614-466-7505 Email: SD22@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Armbruster 614-644-7613 Email: SD13@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Austria 614-466-3780 Email: sd10@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Carey 614-466-8156 Email: sd17@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Cates 614-466-8072 Email: SD04@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Clancy 614-466-8068 Email: sd08@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Coughlin 614-466-4823 Email: kcoughli@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Dann 614-466-7182 Email: dann32@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Fedor 614-466-5204 Email: fedoroffice@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Fingerhut 614-466-4583 Email: connect@senatorfingerhut.com
• Sen. Gardner 614-466-8060 Email: ra_gard@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Goodman 614-466-8064 Email: dgoodman@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Grendell 614-644-7718 Email: SD18@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Hagan 614-466-8285 Email: haganoffice@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Harris 614-466-8086 Email: SD19@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Hottinger 614-466-5838 Email: SD31@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Jacobson 614-466-4538 Email: jjacobso@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Jordan 614-466-7584 Email: jjordan@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Kearney 614-466-5980 Email: SenatorKearney@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. D. Miller 614-466-5123 Email: SD23@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. R. Miller 614-466-5131 Email: rmiller@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Mumper 614-466-8049 Email: SD26@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Niehaus 614-466-8082 Email: sd14@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Padgett 614-466-8076 Email: sd20@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Prentiss 614-466-4857 Email: eakpofur@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Schuler 614-466-9737 Email: SD07@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Schuring 614-466-0626 Email: SD29@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Spada 614-466-8056 Email: rspada@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Stivers 614-466-5981 Email: sd16@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Roberts 614-466-6247 Email: troberts@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Wachtmann 614-466-8150 Email: SD01@mailr.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Wilson 614-466-6508 Email: cwilson@maild.sen.state.oh.us
• Sen. Zurz 614-466-7041 Email: senatorzurz@maild.sen.state.oh.us
Thank you,
Eric Fingerhut